Who we are.
The Bowen Island Trail Society (BITS) was founded in 2016 by island residents Alicia Hoppenrath and Phil Osborne. They recognized the need for trail maintenance and improvements on Mount Gardner to deal with erosion and safety.

Promote safety and accessibility for multi-use, non-motorized use of Bowen Island trails.

Enable trail stewardship for the sustainable maintenance and interconnectivity of Bowen Island trails.

Provide opportunities for community engagement in stewardship for future generations.

The Board
The Bowen Island Trail Society Board is made up of a group of dedicated volunteers committed to trail stewardship on Bowen Island. Board Members are elected every two years at the AGM (typically held in April) and may hold their positions for up to three terms.
What does Trail Stewardship mean
to us?
- Improving navigation, safety and access on trails
- Thoughtful planning and science-based approach to trail management
- Engaging volunteers and community experts for trail maintenance and education
- Consistently communicating with Members and the community
- Ongoing consultation and engagement with key stakeholders on trail maintenance and improvement

Want to help? Please connect with us.